Our Beliefs
(Click images to enlarge)
Why we believe in building beautiful churches:
There is no question in my mind that a beautiful sanctuary enhances worship, a beautiful vestibule enhances invitation, and a beautiful fellowship hall enhances unity. We believe, building a beautiful, timeless, and practical edifice is the most responsible way to build. ~ Donald L. Evans, Sr.​
Why we like planning, designing, building, and remodeling homes:
We believe in making the house you have, the home you want. Our clients deserve the very best, and we should design and build to reflect that. ~ Donald L. Evans, Sr.​
Why we like modifying homes for senior citizens aging in place and people with disabilities
Senior citizens and people with disabilities are a top priority. We believe in making homes more safe, accessible, comfortable, and friendlier . ~ Donald L. Evans, Sr.​
Why we like renovating old family home place:
Legacy and History is very important, and we believe in honoring and preserving your family’s rich home place heritage for the future generation. ~ Donald L. Evans, Sr.​