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Watch "The Historic Reuben & Elizabeth Cheek Homeplace
Remodeling by Donald Evans 10.01.2020"
Watch "Nehemiah Builders: The Haywood's Surprised Home
Remodeling Project by Donald Evans 03.31.2018"
Watch "Nehemiah Builders Tranquil
Remodeling Project by Donald Evans 2018"
Watch "Nehemiah Builders Battery Home
Remodeling 2018 by Donald Evans"

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Firelight Remodeling Project
by Nehemiah Builders & Donald Evans 08.12.2021
Rochester Heights Home Remodeling Project
by Donald Evans
This Olde Townhouse (Built 1974)
Remodeled 03.14.2021 by Donald Evans
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We Plan, Design, Build & Renovate Churches & Residential Homes.
Home Remodeling & Modification Services for the Older Adults (Aging in Place) & People with Disabilities.